
Voters within the Amity Fire District renewed the 2016 levy in 2020! The levy renewed for the same rate and will generate about $170,000 a year in 2021 and will continue to produce for another 5 years. The tax rate before the 2016 levy stood at 84 cents per $1,000 of assessed valuation for the last 20 years. Passage of the levy added 45 cents per $1,000 of assessed value, increasing the rate to $1.29 during its five-year duration. The levy cost home owners of a house assessed for tax purposes at $150,000, about an additional $190.00 annually. This averages out to about $15.83 a month. The additional funds from the first levy were used for: The purchase of all new structural and wild land firefighting turn outs and equiptment. The purchase of automated external defribilators to replace out dated AED's at both the Amity, Perrydale stations. The purchase of a used type 3 wild land urban interface engine. The purchase of a 2018 Ford F-550 light brush rig. Purchase a used water tender that holds 30% more water. Enhanced recruitment, retention, and training efforts. Updating of all technology equipment ranging from computers, radio's, pagers, tablets and more as we had dropped below state standards. Vehicle maintenance. Facility maintenance. And most of all the staffing of a 45 hour a week McMinnville ambulance with a duel certified Firefighter/Paramedic and Firefighter/EMT to augment volunteer staff.
The funds from the 2020 renewal will continue the efforts made over the past 5 years and allow the district to: Purchase a new Fire Engine, replacing a 1991 engine. Increase training opportunities for both Fire and EMS. Add AED's to all our fire engines. Update radio equipment for volunteer safety. Update pagers to alert volunteers of emergency calls.